Top 100 Professions
Shop sales assistants
49 jobs -
Heavy truck and lorry drivers
45 jobs -
37 jobs -
Lifting truck operators
17 jobs -
Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classified
15 jobs -
15 jobs -
Security guards
12 jobs -
11 jobs -
Food and related products machine operators
10 jobs -
Child care workers
8 jobs -
Metal finishing, plating and coating machine operators
7 jobs -
Teachers' aides
7 jobs -
Car, taxi and van drivers
6 jobs -
Plastic products machine operators
6 jobs -
Steam engine and boiler operators
6 jobs -
Assemblers not elsewhere classified
5 jobs -
Door to door salespersons
5 jobs -
Cashiers and ticket clerks
4 jobs -
Fibre preparing, spinning and winding machine operators
4 jobs -
Home-based personal care workers
4 jobs -
Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators
4 jobs -
Service station attendants
4 jobs -
4 jobs -
Wood processing plant operators
4 jobs -
Prison guards
3 jobs -
Building caretakers
2 jobs -
Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
2 jobs -
2 jobs -
Health care assistants
2 jobs -
Personal services workers not elsewhere classified
2 jobs -
Police officers
2 jobs -
Sewing machine operators
2 jobs -
Chemical products plant and machine operators
1 jobs -
Contact centre salespersons
1 jobs -
Crane, hoist and related plant operators
1 jobs -
Earthmoving and related plant operators
2 jobs -
Field crop and vegetable growers
1 jobs -
Fur and leather preparing machine operators
1 jobs -
Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers
1 jobs -
Hunters and trappers
1 jobs -
Mechanical machinery assemblers
1 jobs -
Mobile farm and forestry plant operators
1 jobs -
Motorcycle drivers
1 jobs -
Paper products machine operators
1 jobs -
Rubber products machine operators
1 jobs -
Shop supervisors
1 jobs -
Travel guides
1 jobs -
Well drillers and borers and related workers
1 jobs